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Our statement
What do we treasure?


Our three schools are located in areas of great beauty and it made sense that our project should focus on the environment and all the things we “treasure” in our communities: our language, music, wildlife, gastronomy, local events, sport...


Community involvement in everything that is done here makes Yell very special. Our history still goes on today. We do some things the way they’ve been done for a very long time.

Reuben Irvine, 14 years old 

Shetland Islands


"Treasure", what it means to us... 

Our editorial team.


Since September 2014 and until June 2016 our three schools: Mid Yell Junior High School on the island of Yell (Shetland), Collège Le Dimitile in La Réunion (France) and IES El Yelmo in Andalusia (Spain) have been involved in the Erasmus + Project “Treasure”.


Its aim is to work together to share our Eco School work : the way we reduce, reuse and recycle in our school, the way local resources are used to produce electricity  but also to gain a better understanding of each other's culture. 


Three groups of pupils are our ambassadors and will travel to meet their partners.  Communication between them is done in the languages they study at school. Europe is multilingual and so is our site ! 


Isabelle Boulay,

Emmanuelle Boitière & Pascale Drégoire,

Balbina Espejo









Les paysages et les sites uniques de l'île. Des espaces préservés de toute habitation.  La biodiversité. De beaux oiseaux comme le pétrel de barau.

Alix et Noémie, 16 ans

La Réunion

Que toutes les religions puissent vivre ensemble.

Paul, 11 ans

La Réunion





I treasure that you can easily access a beach to go to, anytime you want.

Kirsty Graham, 13 years old

Shetland Islands

“ Notre projet ? valoriser et partager nos traditions et cultures tout en participant à la préservation de notre environnement."

“ Queremos valorizar y compartir nuestras tradiciones y culturas, y proteger nuestro medio ambiente. ”

Our project focuses on the sharing of our traditions and culture as well as the way we care for our environment."


C'est peut-être le trésor que le pirate La Buse a caché sur l'île de la Réunion?

Oscar, 13 ans

La Réunion


La vie est plus facile à la Réunion qu'à Paris, il y a plus de fruits, on respire mieux, on peut sortir et on n'est pas obligés de vivre dans un appartement

Eliott, 11 ans

La Réunion




Algo que no tiene todo el mundo y que hay que apreciar para mantenerlo.

Nuria Palomares, 14 años 



Para mí el mayor tesoro está dentro, en la naturaleza y en los lugares donde encuentras armonía contigo y con el medio.

Inés Navarrete, 14 años




Tener salud es mi tesoro.

Luis Serrano, 13 años




Tesoro es tener un buen amigo.

Dani Gil, 17 años 




I treasure the freedom and security we have up here.

Freya Hannay, 13 years old

Shetland Islands


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