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Erasmus +

Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport. 


Taking part in the programme helps you to develop personally and professionally; you will gain valuable international experience, broaden your horizons, experience new cultures and discover new ways of working. Erasmus+ is of particular benefit to young people who can learn new skills to improve their employability, acquire life skills, and develop their confidence.


       Erasmus + / UK

       Erasmus + / FR

       Erasmus + / ES









Under Key Action 2

Under Key Action 2, funding is available for Strategic Partnerships between schools-only and also between schools and other education and training organisations or the youth sector.


The aim of the partnership is to create a group to tackle particular issues related to schools education, such as teaching standards, entrepreneurship, citizenship, basic skills or linguistic skills, through collaboration and innovation. It is still possible to include pupils on short term visits/exchanges under Key Action 2 but only if this part of the activity helps to deliver the project’s outcomes.


       Erasmus + / School partnership / UK

       Erasmus + / School partnership / FR

       Erasmus + / School partnership / ES







Our treasure

Our treasure is our partnership: three shools working together to value and share our traditions and culture joined to the care for our immediate surroundings.

written by Balbina Espejo, coordinator


“Our treasure” (Our traditions and culture working for a safe environment) is a project which arises from the need to value and share our traditions and culture joined to the care for our immediate surroundings. IES El Yelmo, the coordinator organization, knows well the importance of maintaining a healthy environment since it is in the middle of a Natural Park, “Sierra de Segura”. We are surrounded by specific and diverse fauna and flora and endemic species that we must care in order to assure our own health. This health comes not only from our Natural Park but from the good care of the Environment all over the world. We started working on this aim in 2000 and many of our traditions and culture have to do with the care of our surrounding. We want to share all this with other two schools which also want to transmit us all their traditions and cultural heritage as well as their concern and enthusiasm for the environment preservation. We wish to learn from the multiculturalism and the Natural Park of Entre-Deux and/or the fauna, flora and traditions from Yell. All this will be shared as well as the interesting ways the three members fulfill or must fulfill to maintain healthy our environment. In order to do so, our students will develop and improve their communicative skills of the foreign languages they are studying.


Most of the subjects will be involved to do the activities and achieve our objectives. Many activities will be done in different subjects with the same goal. Then, they will begin by establishing a code of conduct to be carried out at school in terms of recycling, saving energy and water, noise pollution, reusing materials, etc. This code will be also carried out at home and at the town, and broadcast on the local radio as to know at last its impact that we will request to the families, citizens and local government by means of analysis of data and questionnaires.

Our students will transmit their traditions recording tutorial videos like reusing fried oil to make soap or explaining the rules of traditional sports practiced in the natural setting as “Bolos Serranos”. These ones and others the other members will do will be at the disposal of everyone on the web.


Our students will also have fun together with their parents who will participate in a contest of traditional food made with products of the area (olive oil (Spain), fruits and vegetables (UK) or cane sugar (France) at school.


Traditional local legends will be read in order to write a story based on some traditional elements from the legends and transmit a message related to the preservation and conservation of the Environment. This will be done as a comic using a comprehensible foreign language since it will be addressed to Primary School students to celebrate the World Environment Day. This will develop our students reading and writing skills in an enjoyable way and will be at the disposal of the Education community to be used as a teaching material.


The three face to face meetings they will have in each country will provide them cultural and environmental information to create a final brochure. This meetings will also lead to make new friendships and speaking foreign real situations for the students and the teachers who will continue working together in the future.


Then we are sure that this amazing experience will change our students and families minds. They will meet people from other countries with similar or different cultures that they will share and respect and they will work for a healthy environment.

“Our treasure” will also serve as starting point for other school projects that might arise later on and that we will support and help.


   More about "Treasure"

Erasmus + / Our Treasure
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