Our project is branching out as in ways we hadn't necessarily planned from the start involving a range of staff and pupils.
Sharing our experience of Andalusia with the wider community
17th of November 2016
We are inviting all 3 Primary schools from Yell, Secondary pupils, staff, parents and members of the community to a share our experience of Andalusia. Our Erasmus Ambassadors will display photos, show video clips and be there to answer any questions. Some will prepare local specialities in Home Economic. Others will perform “Treasure” a tune written by Peter Wood for our project.
Reading “Magnie and Ina’s Voyage of discovery” to MYJHS Top Primary pupils
5th of October 2016
During Term 1, Top Primary pupils and their teacher Mrs Coutts investigated Climate Change and its impact on wildlife. In this context, our S3 Erasmus Ambassadors visited them to read their story of “Magnie and Ina’s Voyage of discovery”. Questions and thoughts were shared afterwards, raising awareness of the problems caused by Marine Plastics.
Growing gourds from Reunion Island
May 2016
When in Reunion Island in November 2015 an association selling crafts on St Pierre market gave us some seeds to try and grow gourds in Shetland. They did very well in our polytunnel taking over a lot of space. We are in contact to find out how to dry and use them.
Sharing our experience of Reunion island with the wider community
18th of February 2016
On Thursday 18th February 2016 our 12 Erasmus ambassadors (10 pupils and 2 teachers) invited their peers and family as well as members of the Yell community to a presentation following their trip to Reunion Island. It was an opportunity to share their experience, their impressions and understanding of the culture. They had made “bonbons piments” and “macatias” with Ms Bird their Home Economics teacher as part of a “Food from around the world” topic.
Erasmus+ Website
October November 2015
During Term 2 in 2015, Ms Thomson and her S3 Computing class worked on some of the content of our Erasmus website.
Traditional Food of Reunion Island
October 2015
As part of a Food topic and in preparation for their trip to Reunion Island , S2 research traditional ingredients and dishes from from there. Their work was displayed in the upper corridor for others to see.
"Treasure" by Peter Wood
October 2015
Our accordion instructor and professional musician Peter Wood kindly wrote a tune for our project. It was appropriately named "Treasure". Peter gave us two boxed copies of the CD and music to present to College Le Dimitile in Entre-Deux and IES El Yelmo in Andalucia. Our musical ambassadors travelling to Andalucia in June 2016 are practising it to play alongside their French and Spanish friends.
Spanish Day
June 2015
On Spanish Day, the 29th May 2015, Primary and Secondary pupils were offered to attend various workshops : Spanish Music, Traditional Spanish Games, Spanish Festivals, The Geography of Spain, Making Paella, Making Churos, Famous Spaniards, Spanish Art, Basic Spanish language lessons. Several of these workshops were delivered by local people who have a great deal of knowledge about Spain or have spent time living there. We also served the children Tapas at break time and we had a Spanish lunch. The pupils really enjoyed the day and spent their own break times playing some of the games they had learned during the workshops. It was a very positive event for the whole school and helped prepare for the visit of our Spanish guests.
INDOOR GARDEN - A symbol of our Erasmus+ project
May 2015
In April 2015, in the reception area of the school we created an “indoor garden” representing each country of our project.
The blue pot representing the sea around Yell contains heather a plant that covers most of our island.
The red pot representing the volcano of La Réunion contains sugarcane the main crop on the island.
The earthy pot representing Andalusia contains an olive tree. They cover most of the area around Cortijos Nuevos.