Raising money
for school
The school regularly invites parents and the wider community to whole school events such as a Christmas Show in December and The Open Night in June. During those events there will usually be a raffle and a donation box. Other times, individual groups of pupils or parents, will decide to raise money for a specific purpose : a school trip, the School Dance or to raise funds to buy a new strip for the Yell Netball Team or simply for the School Funds using a variety of ideas.

Yell T-shirts
May 2015
In May 2015, Annette created a T-shirt design which was printed in a few colours and sizes to raise money for the school. We are still selling them £10 for adults and £8 for children.

December 2012 - January 2013
In January 2013 £2000 was generously donated to the School Grounds Committee by the Panto Committee. They performed "Alladin" in the Mid Yell Hall on the 30th December and 12th January to a full house both nights. It involved people from the whole community of Yell.

Taes and Claes
12th of March 2016
Every couple of years, Jackie Duncan organises "Taes & Claes". This year, it took place in the East Yell Hall on the 12th of March 2016. It is a massive amount of work collecting good second hand items of clothing, storing them, organising and transporting enough clothes racks and then displaying them for people to buy, without mentioning the aftermath.
On the day there was also a raffle and teas and cakes were served by pupils who volunteered to help. The event raised an amazing £1328 which traditionally is shared between the 3 schools in Yell. A massive thank you to Jackie, those who helped and those who came !

Sellaness Cake Sale
19th of November 2014
On the 13th of November 2014, Kieran Johnson, Olivia Brown and Mia Clark (all from Yell) went to the Sella Ness Reception to sell cakes to raise funds so that the schools from Yell, Unst, Fetlar and Nesting can go to Edinburgh next year. It was a busy night and we sold lots and lots of cakes but some people were so kind by just giving us money but not taking any cakes! Some even put in a £20 note ! We raised £621.41 in total. It was a tiring night but also fun !
Sella Ness provides accomodation for BP, Petrofac,Total and Contractors workers at the Sullom Voe Oil Terminal.

Bingo Night
20th of November 2014
On Thursday 20th November 2014 our S4 pupils organised a Bingo Night to raise funds for the School Christmas Dance. Pupils worked hard to organise this event which turned out to be a great success. Pupils provided home bakes, tea, coffee and juice for a donation. They also held a raffle. In total they managed to raise a fantastic £366.82. This will pay for food and games at the school dance.

Easyfundraising.org.uk is a great way to raise money for charities, schools, sports clubs, community groups, and other good causes just by shopping online. You don’t pay anything extra. So far Easyfundraising has raised over £9 million for causes throughout the UK. Mid Yell Junior High School has been registered with Easyfundraising.co.uk since September 2012 and so far 32 members have helped raise £1,124.26 for our school.

Shopping night
13rd of November 2015
We recently held a very successful Shopping Night in the school. We raised over £700 in total which is a fantastic amount! Thanks to everyone who contributed or helped in any way. The money will be shared between the school fund and providing fruit to all primary pupils for three days a week.

Carol singing
8th of December 2015
Our carol singers went to Sellaness on the 8th December and raised an impressive £1002.66!