SCHOOL GROUNDS - 2011/2012

The School Grounds Committee has been formed in 2012 after an Eco Schools meeting with the specific remit of developing the school grounds. The committee is made up of staff parents and pupils. The Chairperson is Mrs Jennifer Nisbet, Mrs Gear is the secretary and Mr Mouat is the treasurer. James Smith is the pupil representative. The committee hopes to develop the outdoor aresas around the school, including putting up a polytunnel and making a themed garden over at the Leisure Centre.
During “Golden Time”, a few primary pupils : Lily, Havannah and Reuben planted, harvested and prepared a selection of tatties for the Yell Show. Here are some of their prizes. They raised a total of £5.

The canteen staff cooked the tatties that weren’t entered in the show, for us.

We got some of our seeds from the “Grow Your Own Patatoes” competition run every year by the Patato Council.
SCHOOL GROUNDS - Building & opening of the polytunnel - 2013/2014

Brian Smith and John Irvine working with Secondary pupils.

Brian Smith and John Irvine working with Secondary pupils.

Brian Smith and John Irvine working with Secondary pupils.

Brian Smith and John Irvine working with Secondary pupils.

George Nisbet digging the foundations.

John Irvine mixing up concrete

John Irvine mixing up concrete

Pupils and various members of the community put up the plastic sheeting.

Brian Smith building the spaces for planting

Upper Primary helped put earth into the planting spaces.

Upper Primary helped put earth into the planting spaces.

Planting could then start.

Planting could then start.

Jennifer Nisbet organised a rota of volunteers to water the polytunnel over the summer months.

Harvesting before the Yell Show

Harvesting before the Yell Show

Harvesting before the Yell Show

Harvesting before the Yell Show

Harvesting before the Yell Show

In June 2014, James Smith and Jennifer Nisbet officially opened the newly built Polytunnel!
SCHOOL GROUNDS - 2012/2013
Pupils did the harvesting...
We entered peas, neaps and onions in the show and won a variety of prizes including “Best Children Produce”, altogether raising £9 for the Garden Club.
The canteen staff cooked the tatties and peas that weren’t entered in the show, for us. They were very tasty !

We entered peas and a variety of crops in the show and won a variety of prizes including “Best Children Produce”

SCHOOL GROUNDS - 2014/2015
We won “Best Children Produce” and a variety of prizes for tatties, cucumbers, Shetland oats, carrots and beans.