Jeanette Nowak
Jeanette is a Shetlander who lives and works in Yell. Her art encompasses several disciplines including jewellery, sea glass sculptures and basketry. Her sense of place and passion for her surroundings is the common element that connects her art forms. Her baskets are woven from local plant fibres and the final form is dictated by the availability and characteristics of the material she uses. Her art forms are constantly fed by the land and the sea.

Meilo So
Country of origin - China
Made in Hongkong
Packaged in England
Domiciled in the Shetland Isles
A tangled history
Or a kind of freedom
Many cultures make a world citizen
Not a purist
Methods and media change as required
Pen and ink, brush drawing, gouache
Subjects endlessly varied
Magic, history, animals, humour, children, sex
Or a quick sketch from life

Mike McDonnell
Mike is a doctor by profession, but an artist by passion. Although originally a Clydesider, he is a Yell man by adoption, having been the G.P. in Mid Yell for many years. He has been a prolific sculptor over the years and his work is renowned for its wit and humour. However, if you scratch the surface, you will often find an underlying serious message.
Rob Colclough
“My paintings are inspired by a passion for the energy produced by the natural world - the energy of the light, wind and the solid mass of the land. My pictures all start as sketches and paintings done in all weathers, which are a reaction to these elements. Then I develop these starting points into larger pieces, using watercolour, oils and mixed media. As well as formal techniques, I often use pouring as a means of allowing the paint freedom to create its own image.”

Wilma Henderson
Wilma is a Whalsay lass, who learned to knit when she was five years old. Wilma moved to Yell on marriage. She has been knitting traditional Fair Isle patterns all her life, but also likes to invent her own patterns.