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Shetland Islands

what we

do with our local partners.


A number of organisations and businesses groups of individuals actively value the local heritage, culture and enviroment of Shetland. We have met some of them through our project, learning  or experiencing what motivates them.






Erasmus Stall at the Yell Show 2016

3rd September 2016

A group of Erasmus pupils run a stall throughout the day at  the Yell Agricultural Show, one of our biggest local events. On display were our 3 brochures, photos and films of our trips to Reunion Island and Andalucia. We also gave away 60 copies of our illustrated story “Magnie and Ina’s journey of discovery” about Marine Plastics.

Karen McKelvie - RSPB

10th of May 2016

Karen McKelvie from the RSPB came to raise awareness of 3 main environmental problems affecting Shetland.

  • Marine plastic,

  • Damaged Peatland,

  • Climate change and its impact on seabirds.

"Treasure" by Peter Wood

November 2015 and May 2016

Our accordion instructor and professional musician Peter Wood kindly wrote a tune for our project. It was appropriately named "Treasure". Peter gave us two boxed copies of the CD and music to present to College Le Dimitile in Entre-Deux and IES El Yelmo in Andalucia. Our musical ambassadors travelling to Andalucia in June 2016 are practising it with Peter to play alongside their French and Spanish friends.


November 2015

Northlink generously sponsored our trip to Reunion Island. We were given free breakfast, cinema tickets as well as a 30% discount for each person travelling. On board our pupils took the opportunity to sell Quiz sheets, a fundraising idea from Ms Gear. They quickly were sold out as planes from Sumburgh had been cancelled and the ferry was fully booked. One very generous member of staff decided to buy his quiz sheet for £60. Thank you very much Northlink! Thank you...

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Aywick Shop

November 2015

Mary Nicholson gave us access to a range of old magazines : mainly the “ii magazine” and the “Shetland Life” We selected photos of Yell events and Shetland traditions and wildlife and used them for Sig’s Up cycling workshop. Thank you Mary !


October 2015

Greencroft provided us with a custom made ax and shield, the perfect gift for College Le Dimitile from Mid Yell Junior High School.

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Glansin Glass

October 2015

The Lerwick Town Hall gave us a dish from Glansin Glass to give to the maire of Entre-Deux during our visit to Reunion Island. Cheryl Jamieson from the island of Unst is the designer.

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Lerwick Town Hall

15th of June 2015

The Town Hall welcomed Pascale, Emmanuelle, Balbi, Alfonso and Rafa on Monday 15th June. They were accompanied by Brian Spence The Shetland Islands Council’s Global Citizenship Development Officer who organised the visit.
Before our trip to Reunion Island the Lerwick Town Hall gave us a glass piece from Unst artist Cheryl Jamieson to pass on to the Town Hall in Entre-Deux. Our ambassadors also received Shetland pins.


The Shetland Museum and Archives

15th of June 2015

On Monday 15th our French and Spanish ambassadors went to the Shetland Museum and Archives. Sarah Hutcheson gave them an informative tour of the museum and Gadderie looking at “Taatit rugs”   which were used in Shetland for bedcovering. Thank you Kirsty for organising the visit and Sarah for giving us the tour.

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Burravoe Hall

13th of June 2015

A number of our guests went to Burravoe for the "Big Weekend" on the 13th of June.  Some took part in the Carnaval Procession and the Car Treasure Hunt. Thanks to the Burravoe Hall for organising this event!

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Youth Cafe (North Isles Clubs)

12th of June 2015

On Friday 12th Youth café was open to all S1 and up pupils for some “chill out time” at the end of a very busy week. Youth workers had prepared “mocktails” and games such as “Duster Hockey”,  a favourite that night. Thank you to Lesley and Jill for inviting an extra 20 youngsters and organising the event.

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The Old Haa

12th of June 2015

On Friday the 12th of June a large group of pupils chose to go and listen to “Stories by the Fire” at the Old Haa in Burravoe. Alex Jamieson started with memories of the past to give pupils an insight into life in Yell 60-100 years ago. Nita served her delicious homemade fancies and it was then time to listen to “The Blacksmith” from Lawrence Tulloch a well know story teller who used to live in Yell. In the end there was enough time for pupils to talk to and admire the intricate work of a few local Shetland knitters.

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Global Yell

12th of June

On Friday 12th of June Global Yell set up a number of looms. Pupils got the opportunity to experiment with different weaving patterns and see how different wool could affect them. It was a calm and productive workshop. Thank you Kirsty for inviting us and organising the two sessions!

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12th of June 2015

On the 12th June, Jeannette Nowak, our school librarian but also a self taught local artist/crafts woman invited a group of pupils to her “shed” on the 12th June. It is an Ali Baba’s cave of jars filled with glass, broken pottery, things she finds on the beach that she uses to make jewellery. There are also restored furniture, different types of grass she uses to make baskets, without forgetting some of her landscapes paintings and collages she makes using cuttings from magazines.

No doubt those who went had a great time looking, socialising and getting ideas on how to make beautiful things using what’s around us. Thank you “Peanuts”.

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Scottish Youth Dance

11th and 12th of June 2015

Sarah and Jayde  two of our S3 pupils, have been training to become Y Dance leaders. On Friday 12th June they took a group through one of their routine. Combining movement with instructions in a foreign language was a great set up for our French and Spanish guests to progress in both areas. Thank you to Sarah and Jayde for your great enthusiasm and leadership skills.

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Annette and John

11th of June 2015

John and Annette, adepts of BBQ on their local beach, invited everyone for an outdoor evening in Westsandwick. We soon forgot about the unseasonal temperature, standing by the huge fire they had prepared or the BBQ, eating hot burgers and sausages. Others preferred to do gymnastics, run around in the dunes or play volleyball. Thanks to those who set up the net at short notice. It happened to be Balbi and Alfonso’s 10th wedding anniversary, an event reenacted by their pupils with great humour. One they won’t forget in a hurry.

Yell Rowing Club

11th June 2016

Many gathered to have a go at rowing the Yala our traditional rowing boat. Rachel Colclough organised 3 outings in the shelter of the Burravoe pier. It was pretty hard work rowing in “a bit of a breeze” ! Kerry Nicholson was there encouraging the rowers as cox.

Jayde invited those waiting for their turn on the Yala to come and feed her pony and foal just up the road on her family’s croft.

Thanks to Rachel and Kerry for organising this memorable event ! Thank you Jayde !

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11th of June 2015

Kenny Graham was going to take a group of youngsters sea fishing on the “Oberon”. Unfortunately the weather on Tuesday 9th prevented this trip taking place at night.  Thank you Kenny for offering to do this during your busiest time of year.

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Yell Model Yachts Club

11th of june 2015

On Thursday 11th June, a group of Yell model yachts enthusiasts was to take a number of pupils watching and handling model yachts on Lunga Waters. Unfortunately, due to strong winds, Angus Petrie had to cancel the event. A big thanks to them anyway !

Joy Duncan

11th of June 2015

On Thursday 11th Joy Duncan came to the school with a van full of drums. A group of 20 pupils gathered in the hall for a session of drumming and dancing. Stories of far away places connected with the music and dancing served as intervals. Thank you Joy for taking the time to come to Yell and for your contagious enthusiasm.

Otter tracks in Shetland

11th and 12th of June 2015

Ian Towriess, a local otters' enthusiast took two groups of pupils on the trail of otters. One was along the coast at Ulsta, and the other in Burravoe. On those occasions the otter remained elusive . Fortunately, Ian had plenty of photographic evidence of their presence and was there to share his knowledge of otters.


Breckon Beach RSPB walk

11th of June 2015

Despite the unseasonably cold weather, a group enjoyed a trip to the beautiful beach at Breckon in North Yell, led by school staff and Martha from the RSPB. We walked through the remains of a Viking settlement, and saw many seabirds including Tammie Nories (Puffins).

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Shetland Anglers Association

11th of June 2015

Yell has many well stocked trout lochs. On the 11th June, keen angler Graeme Callander took a group on a fishing trip to Vatster loch. Although on this occasion only tiny fish were caught the pupils learned how to set up their fishing gear and cast. Thank you Graeme !

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Crofter and local sheepdog handler

11th-12th of June 2015

On Thursday 11th and Friday 12th of June two groups of pupils went crofting. They had fun watching a sheep being sheered, cutting peat in the hill and seeing dogs rounding sheep. Thanks to Jamie for demonstrating his skills with the “tusker” and the “sheers”. Thanks to Ogilvie Brown and Billy Morrison for setting up sheep trials’ pens in Vatster and working their dogs with great skills.

The “Halcyon”

11th-12th of June 2015

Local fishing boat “Halcyon” took pupils to check their creels, where they found plenty of lobsters and crabs, as well as other creatures including octopus’ eggs and a conger eel ! Some of the pupils enjoyed trying these sea foods with their host families. Thank you to the Halcyon’s crew Ian Nicholson, Maurice Gray, John Irvine and Conor Thomson.

Shetland Amenity Trust (The Viking Boat and dwelling house)

9th of June 2015

Dot Redshaw of the Shetland Amenity Trust, dressed as a Viking, gave us an informative tour of the Viking house and boat speaking about their way of life. She also demonstrated the use of tools and the rules of Kubb : a game played in Viking times.

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Scottish Natural Heritage

9th of June 2015

Jonathan Swales from Scottish Natural Heritage, together with Rachel the warden met us on Tuesday 9th June  at Hermaness Nature Reserve.  We split into two groups to reach the cliffs. The weather wasn’t the best for the time of year but we saw bonxies, gannets and just a few puffins.  Our guides were a well of information regarding  bird numbers, and behaviours. Thanks to both Jonathan and Rachel for their time, knowledge and the binoculars ! Thank you also to Logan Johnson a bird enthusiast and  Andy Gear  a keen local naturalist for accompanying us.

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Historic Scotland

9th and 15th June 2015

On Tuesday 9th June we went to Unst. Our first stop was to Muness castle a great place to explore hide and surprise others with theatrical voices.

On Monday 15th morning before leaving Shetland groups of pupils went to see the Clikimin broch,  a type of building very unique to the North of Europe.

Historic Scotland generously sponsored those two visits by covering 75% of our travelling cost. Thank you !



Northern Neesiks

9th of June 2015

On Tuesday 9th of June after school the French and Spanish pupils joined Northern Neesiks swimming club for an hour of team relay races. Enrique impressively translated all the rules into Spanish to his fellow pupils from David which insured the races were fair and equal. Thanks to David Gear and Nala Williamson for organising this.

Yell Badminton Club

8th and 10th of June 2015

Jackie, organised the Badminton Competition, helped on the day by other members of the skilled Yell Badminton Club. Paul from Reunion Island was quite difficult competition to the likes of our experienced badminton players Craig and Reuben and he received a Sportsmanship Award as a result.

The results of the Badminton Competition were as follows:
- Gold : Craig Johnson
- Silver : Lizzie Colclough
- Bronze : John Johnson
- Sportsmanship award : Paul Gelabert

Yell Netball Club

8th of June 2015

On Monday 8th Mr Williamson, with the support of members of the excellent Yell Netball Team, taught how to play this very popular sport in Yell which is far less commonly known in other countries. It wasn’t simple as the rules are challenging even explained in their own language. Thanks to Alister, Nala, Kerry and Kelly.

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Yell Leisure Centre

8th and 10th of June 2015

We tried to show the French and Andalusian pupils sports that are important to our islands and communities. Everyone was very enthusiastic to learn, many of them obviously played these sports at home so there were some friendly competition.

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Mid Yell Boating Club

8th and 12th of June 2015

On Friday 12th of the Mid Yell Boating Club organised two Duck Races : one for the Primary pupils and one for the Secondary pupils. Pairs gathered at the boating club with the ducks they had made in Technical the previous Monday. S4 made their own ducks at home or reused an old one they made or borrowed. We walked down to the burn where Graham Hughson started the race after reminding everyone of the rules. A few members of the community gathered at the finishing line where Angus Petrie netted and ranked the ducks. The weather that day was perfect for the occasion. The traditional Boating Club Duck Race normally takes place between Christmas and New Year and raises money for charity. Thank you Graham Hughson, Angus Petrie and Angus Jamieson for helping with the making of the ducks and organising the race and providing everyone with treats for the walk back to school!

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Shetland Arts (Maria Leask)

8th of June 2015

On Monday 8th June everyone was invited to a Dance at the Mid Yell Hall. Shetland Arts’ Traditional Dancer Maria Leask, as well as Members of the Yell Dance Club, encouraged everyone to join in The Boston 2 Steps, Strip The Willow, The St Bernard Waltz. During interval we shared soup and bannocks Ms Nicholson made most of them with pupils during her Home Economics class that day. Others, as well as the soup, were thoughtfully brought to the event by Mid Yell Hall committee members. It was a great chance to meet and catch up with our Spanish and French guests. Thank you to everyone for their help !

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The Mid Yell Hall

8th and 12th of June 2015

The Mid Yell Hall welcomed a couple of events during our Erasmus week : “An evening of Traditional Dancing” on Monday 8th June and the “Youth Café” night on Friday 12thJune. Thank you to the Mid Yell Hall Committee for their support that week.

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R.J. Jamieson & Son

June and November 2015

This local Company provided us with transport during the French and Spanish trip to Yell in June 2015. They also transported us to and back from Lerwick when we travelled to Reunion Island in November 2015. Great Service  !

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Cullivoe Hall

6th of June 2015

The Cullivoe Hall organised a “Them Beatles” concert on Saturday 6th June the day our French and Spanish guests arrived. Luis, Ana Maria and Noelia were spontaneously invited to perform as supportive act to the Beatles tribute band. Thanks to their huge amount of confidence they didn’t need a lot of persuading at all. It was a great social evening. Pupils did well to stay up so late considering the 4 hour time difference between Reunion Island and Shetland as well as the 48 hour journey all pupils had just been through. A big thank you to the Cullivoe Hall Committee for organising this event!

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June 2015

16 families  in Yell offered to host a total of 20 pupils and 5 accompanying staff, giving them the perfect opportunity to practice their English, learn some Shetland dialect and experience our way of life.  It was also a great opportunity for us to learn about Reunion Island and Andalusia. Thanks to all our hosts for looking after our guests.

Nova Innovation Elective

April May June 2015

Our Physics teacher with input from Patrick Ross Smith of Nova Innovation run an elective based around using the power of water to produce electricity. It took place between April and June 2015. Six pupils chose this elective. After a presentation and explanations from Patrick Ross Smith, pupils divided up into 2 teams to make a prototype using recycled materials. One team made use of a baby pram and the other an old bike.

On the 12th of September 2015 members of the Eco School Committee also involved with this elective were invited to visit the site in Cullivoe. Thanks to Patrick Ross Smith to take the time to get involved in this project. Thanks to Nova Innovation for their sponsorship.

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Five artists from Yell

February to March 2015

5 local artists all kindly accepted to be the British judges of our Erasmus Logo Competition in March and to lend us examples of their work to exhibit alongside the works of the French and Spanish judges in May and June. Regardless of their nationality they were pretty unanimous in voting Guillaume’s logo as their favourite. The exhibition was a way to introduce our project to the wider community and to learn a bit about each location through Art.

Brian Spence : Shetland Islands Council’s Global Citizenship Development Officer

May 2014

Brian Spence, one of Shetland Islands Council’s Global Citizenship Development Officers offered us valuable advice and help with the Lefevre Grant application back in May 2014. He is  continuing to take a genuine interest in our project and is in regular contact with Mid Yell Junior High School.  Thank you Brian!


The Yell Agricultural Show


Every year Mid Yell Junior High School encourages pupils to take part in the Yell Agricultural Show. Primary pupils spend some of their Golden Time taking pictures, doing flower arrangements and crafts to enter in the show which takes place the first weekend of September. In more recent years and particularly since the setting up of our school garden and polytunnel Mid High School has entered a growing variety of fruit and vegetables. 

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