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Boating club day

Sasha and Sarah's duck
S4 girls' ducks
S4 boys' ducks
Paul and Conrad's duck
Nuria and Kirsty's duck
Nora and Christina's duck
Noelia and Havanna's duck
Mr Mouat's duck
Luis and Reuben's duck
Lucie and Lizzie's duck
Lucas and Kyle's duck
Laura and Ashley's duck
Koanne and Freya's duck
Ines and Elouise's duck
Enrique and Margo's duck
Emmanuelle and Pascale's duck
Eliott and Ben's duck
Duck race
Diego and Luis' duck
Clara and Jayde's duck
Anthony Reece and Craig's duck
Alvaro and Alfie's duck
Alfonso and Balbi's duck

Making the ducks

Making the ducks
Making the ducks
Making the ducks
Making the ducks
Making the ducks
Making the ducks
Ian and Angus
Duck box
Decorating the ducks
Decorating the ducks

Duck Race Results

1. Duck 2 - Havanna and Noelia

2. Duck 16 - Reuben and Luis

3. Duck 12 - Alfie and Alvaro

4. Duck 22  - S3 Boys

5. Duck 3 - Ben and Eliott

6. Duck 11 - Craig, Anthony and Reece

7. Duck 21 - S3 Girls

8. Duck 17 - Nicole and Ana Maria

9. Duck 18 - Thelma and Charlotte

10. Duck 14 - Elouise and Ines

11. Duck 38 - Spanish teachers

12. Duck 5 - Juan and John

13. Duck 10 - Jayde and Clara

14. Duck 23 - Logan

15. Duck 35 - French Teachers

16. Duck 6 - Enrique and Margo

17. Duck 1 - Nora and Christina

18. Duck 7 - Luis and Diego

19. Duck 27 - Ashley and Laura

20. Duck 15 - Lizzie and Lucy

21. Duck 24 - Kay with Mrs Thomson's homemade duck !

22. Duck 19 - Lucas and Kyle

23. Duck 4 - Conrad and Paul

24. Duck 8 - Sarah and Sasha

25. Duck 13 - Freya and Koanne

26. Duck 20 - Mr Mouat

Duck Race Special Awards

The quirkiest duck  :

Duck 8 - Sarah and Sasha

The most authentic looking duck  :

Duck 1 - Nora and Christina

The cuttest duck  :

Duck 19 - Lucas and Kyle

The coolest duck  

Duck 16 - Reuben and Luis 



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