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Pupils wrote :

“I learned more about plastic in toothpastes and exfoliants. It’s quite sickening that we and animals could be and are swallowing plastic every day.”

“I found the "How long till it’s gone ?" interesting. “I learned about microcrystals in toothpaste.”

“I learned that birds eat so much plastic.”

“I learned that birds actually have plastic in their stomach.”

“I learned there are micro crystals/plastic in toothpaste.”

“I learned that birds eat a lot of plastic from the sea. I learned how absorbent moss is.”

“Sea birds have a lot of plastic in them.”

“I have learned that micro beads are very bad for the environment. Some birds actually swallow the plastic that is in the sea.”

“I learned that kittiwakes are becoming endangered.”

“I learned that nappies take over 400 years to disappear.”

“I have learned not to throw bits of plastics off boats.”

“I found the part where we learned about how many years things take to disappear interesting.”

“The amount of plastic in a sea bird’s stomach is surprising.”

“The sea temperature as gone up by 1 degree which means the plankton have moved which messes up the whole system.”

“The peat comes from a kind of moss.”

“I learned a lot of new information about peat bogs. I learned about marine plastics and how bad they are for marine wildlife.”

“I found the part about peat interesting.”

“I have found out that open peat bogs oxidise /release CO2 in the environment. I thought the video about the mallies was interesting.”

“Peat bogs store 3 times as much carbon dioxide than rainforests.”

“One third of land based species could be on the path to extinction by 2050.”

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