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Yell Leisure Centre

On Monday 8th Mr Williamson, with the support of members of the excellent Yell Netball Team, taught them how to play. It wasn’t simple as the rules are challenging even explained in their own language. Also netball is less commonly known in other countries.


On Wednesday 10th June, the leisure centre hosted 3 sports events. Pupils chose to play badminton or football in the morning and everyone took part in the Dodge ball tournament in the afternoon.  4 teams competed. It was a great fun way to finish the day. 


PE teacher Alistair organised the football skills competition. Michael and Bryden our pupils’ Sports Ambassadors supported him on the day. Alfonso was also keen to land a hand. Lots of boys and girls chose to take part. The Spanish owned this competition.


Jackie, organised the Badminton Competition helped on the day by other  members of our skilled Yell Badminton Club. Paul was quite difficult competition to the likes of our experienced badminton players Craig and Reuben and he received a Sportsmanship Award as proof.


We discovered that sport is a fun way to engage with lots of people at once even if they don’t speak the same language.




The results were as follows:


Gold : Craig Johnson

Silver : Lizzie Colclough

Bronze : John Johnson

Sportsmanship Award : Paul Gélabert



Gold : Juan Lopez

Silver : Alvaro Rodriguez

Bronze : John Johnson

Sportmanship Award : Luis Macias



The Green Team won

Netball skills:

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